Acting (Turkish)

About the Programme

This ARUCAD department aims to train actors who are not only capable of expressing themselves creatively within various mediums from theater and cinema to advertising and music videos, but also who are analytically approaching the interpretation of text, considering the socio-cultural context of their performance.

The program of study offers an ideal balance of theory and practice, and the interdisciplinary approach creates a favorable environment for the collaboration of Acting students with students of Sound Art and Design, as well as Film Design and Directing. At the end of each semester, students can present the result of their work to the public.

Career Opportunities

  • Actor
  • Voice actor
  • Director
  • Assistant Director
  • Playwright

Medium of Instruction


Programme Duration

4 Years

English Preparatory School


Talent exam

The Acting portfolio requirements consists of two stages. These will need to be recorded and sent along with your application.


Candidates will play and videotape a tirade of their choice from classical or contemporary theatrical texts, sing a song and send the video recording.


Candidates must wear black clothing
All body movements should be seen fully (from the neck downwards) and in a well-lit bright environment.
Must be in a single video and uninterrupted / unmounted flow
Must be a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes long
The video must have been shot within the last month
The name of the author, the name of the play, the name of the translator, if any, the name and surname of the candidate should be written on the video.


Candidates are required to sing a previously studied song with their natural voice (without an instrument) and fulfill the following requirements.
Must be in a single uninterrupted / unmounted flow
Must be a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 4 minutes long
Videos must have been shot in the last month


Candidates will need to upload/send videos along with their online application by adding their short resume and identification information.


In the second stage, in addition to the tirades and songs to which candidates have prepared, candidates will need to prepare and video of one more tirade and a song/ folk song.

In the aptitude test, the candidates will be evaluated by the expert jury in terms of voice-speech, singing, mimic-role, movement-dance and interest in theatre.