Design studio is composed of units, workshops and themes from first year to the final, in which students and teachers – tutors bring different aspects of creative fields into design-lead experimentation, research and practice. Amongst different levels of students, which grouped in diverse themes, exchange is important.
Students can choose their own project, site, research and design methodology, and develop their interdisciplinary design-lead research and study intersecting with other disciplines as film, animation, photography, creative writing, digital and analogue, engineering, etc.
It is valuable that the studio environment reflects the practice of researching, experimentation, open, collaborative teaching and learning experience, interdisciplinary, professional interaction. Our design studio is spatially and technologically equipped to discover the potentials of both their talents and modes of working. Students will have their personal and group working space for 24/7.
The design studio is composed of two lecture rooms each with the capacity of 20 people, computer hub with printing, plotting and scanning facilities, library and resting areas and the main working area in which students and groups can personalize their working space for their working method. This flexible multipurpose studio can easily be rearranged with the soft and hard surface divisions for a sufficient and healthy working environment. This design studio is equipped with tools to work with wood, stone, glass, fabrics, electronics, light and workshop environments like sand pool, water pool on different scales of experimentation from micro material scale to the constructed object or space scale.