How to Create Your Portfolio

All students must submit their Resume – CV Personal information, your name and surname, email address, phone number, photograph (optional), educational background, most recent diploma and graduation date, relevant courses taken and certificates (if any), achievements and contributions, skills and technologies used, technical skills (programming languages, design software, etc.), foreign language skills (if any, along with your proficiency level).

  • Visual Communication Design
  • Digital Game Design
  • New Media and Communication (Turkish)

Works: Originals of all kinds of creative handmade and/or digital productions:

  • Watercolour
  • Charcoal
  • Marker
  • Charcoal Pencil
  • Pattern Work
  • Anime/Cartoon Character Design
  • Mascot Drawing
  • T-shirt Design
  • Tattoo Design
  • Embellishment
  • Wood Carving
  • Ceramics
  • Sculpture
  • Collage
  • Sewing
  • Video Editing
  • Game Design
  • Coding
  • Storyboard Drawing
  • Computer Drawing
  • 3D Modelling
  • Animation
  • Animation Puppet Design
  • Installation
  • Advertising Design
  • Social Media Designs
  • Brochures
  • Magazine Designs
  • Digital Applications, etc.

The portfolio should consist of at least five works.

  • Architecture
  • Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
  • Industrial Design
  • Urban Design and Landscape Architecture

The portfolio should include various creative works such as models, drawings, patterns, photographs, illustrations, videos, short films, critical essays , etc., created by the applicant.

These works should encompass the student’s curiosity in art and design; their performance in social activities and group work; their relationship with literature, philosophy, history, and technology; their research and critical perspectives; and their mathematical and scientific skills and interests as much as possible.
The preparation and formal characteristics of the portfolio are entirely up to the discretion of the applicant.

Portfolio Requirements :

A carefully chosen selection demonstrating the candidate’s personal development in the field should be provided. Please make your selection from among your best works.

Your portfolio should include a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 photographs. Your portfolio can be presented digitally or in print. While preparing your portfolio, try to create a creative presentation that reflects you.

Portfolio Requirements :

A carefully chosen selection demonstrating the candidate’s personal development in the field should be provided. Please make your selection from among your best works.

Your portfolio can include any kind of moving image related to the field. (short film, music video, promotional film, video art works, video collage, showreel, etc.)

Portfolio Requirements :

A carefully chosen selection demonstrating the candidate’s personal development in the field should be provided. Please make your selection from among your best works.

Your portfolio can include any kind of artistic production related to the field. (Originals of pattern and watercolour works, images of paintings on canvas, images of ceramics, sculptures, collages, assemblages, installations, etc.) Your portfolio should include a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 works.

While preparing your portfolio, try to create a creative presentation that reflects you. 

Portfolio Requirements :

A carefully chosen selection demonstrating the candidate’s personal development in the field should be provided. Please make your selection from among your best works.

Your portfolio can include any kind of production related to the field. (Fabric design, garment design, bag, shoe or accessory design, various texture and pattern studies, images of sewn or knitted models, etc.)

Portfolio Requirements :    

Performance – 1
Contemporary Dance Free Flow: The candidate must perform a choreographic work or improvisation created in their own style (music, accessories, costume usage is free) and meet the following conditions.
At least 3 minutes in length

Performance – 2
Dance Technique:
The candidate must demonstrate a series of movements belonging to one or more dance techniques (Hip-hop, Ballet, Folk dance, Ballroom Dance, Contemporary Technique, Skinner Release, Graham, Cunningham, Flying Low, Gaga, etc.) and meet the following condition.
At least 3 minutes in length

Interview – Brief Resume and Identity Information:

If the candidate has digital music works prepared, they must be submitted  via digital platforms, explain to the the techniques used and the effects applied in the digital works.

If a student does not have a digital work they have produced, they must demonstrate their ability with the instrument by recording a video (unedited) of up to 2 minutes with the instrument they play.

If the candidate does not play any instrument; they must perform any piece in their preferred style as a karaoke rendition and share it with the jury in an unedited video recording of up to 2 minutes.

The video recording standards for candidates playing instruments are as follows:

The sound quality must be clear and free from noise.
The candidate’s face must be clearly visible during the recording.
Each performance must not exceed 2 minutes. For pieces longer than 2 minutes, it is sufficient to choose the sections with the highest technical skill.
Previous music performances, recitals, recordings, or other music works by the student will also be accepted.
Each performance must be labeled with the date, title, and composer of the piece.

Accepted Video Formats: .3g2, .3gp, .avi, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .mxf, .webm, .wmv

Accepted Audio Recording Formats: .aac, .m4a, .mka, .mp3, .oga, .ogg, .wav

Interview – If required

Prospective students wishing to apply for the department of Acting will need to click on this link to access portfolio guidelines and criteria relevant to this department.